
Linda Ward participated in a career fair at Reedy Creek Middle School

Linda Ward Career Fair

As a member of the NC Bar Foundation Civic Education and Community Engagement Committee, Linda Ward participated in a career fair at Reedy Creek Middle School on April 1st. Alongside retired Wake County District Court Judge, Jane Gray, as well as Paralegal, Kernoodle Hodges, Linda spoke to eighth grade students about pursuing careers in the legal field. #proudtobealawyer

Ryan Tarrant Super Lawyer again!

Ward Family Law Group is pleased to announce that Attorney Ryan M. Tarrant has once again been selected for inclusion in the 2022 North Carolina Super Lawyers Rising Stars list.  Super Lawyers is a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high degree of peer recognition and professional achievement.  The patented annual selection process includes independent research, peer nominations, and peer evaluations.  Not more than 2.5 percent of the state’s attorneys are named to the Rising Stars list.  Ryan has been included… Read More


Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to each of you!  We are extremely blessed and grateful for your referrals, support and friendship this past year.  For many years, Ward Family Law Group delivered Christmas cheer in the form of beautifully decorated cookies to say “thank you”.  While the cookies made for a delicious treat, unless you ate twelve or more like I did, their effect on our lives was short-lived.  Our goal this year is to recognize your continued support of our firm by making gifts to three… Read More

Alright, alright, alright……or Maybe not!

The CDC recently approved the Covid-19 vaccine for administration to children ages 5 to 11.  For many parents, this was the green light they had been waiting for to protect their children and start the journey towards a return to normalcy.  For other parents, the CDC’s announcement gave them pause.  Celebrity Matthew McConaughey, who is the parent of three children, age 9, 11, and 13, announced last week that he was not vaccinating his younger two children, stating he needed more information before he makes a decision on the subject…. Read More

Resolution….It’s What Really Matters.

North Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice Paul Newby declared October 17-23, 2021 “Conflict Resolution Week” in North Carolina.  Read Order Here.    Mediation is one conflict resolution method we use A LOT in our office to resolve disputes.  When reading Justice Newby’s Order last week, several words and phrases jumped out at me about the benefits of using mediation as a means to settle cases—“foster communication” “salvage relationships” “empower litigants to devise mutually agreeable and durable solutions” and  “save parties the expense and stress of litigation.”  In my experience, all… Read More

Best Family Law Firm Award!

Ward Family Law Group has been named best Family Law firm in Raleigh, Cary, Apex, Holly Springs, Morrisville and Wake Forest (Wake County)

Timely Resolution of Family Law Disputes is Necessary

A recent story in the local news demonstrated the real impact that Covid has had on our legal system.  For months, Wake County Family Court cases were routinely continued over and over again because courts were closed, or only temporary, non-prejudicial hearings were possible because they could be conducted remotely via Webex.  The court system is not to blame for the pandemic, but the shutdowns and closures have created a backlog in the court system that has left families desperate for resolution of critical issues, including custody, child support, and… Read More

Electronically-stored information, devices & social media: do’s and don’t’s—a needed reminder for us all!

Divorce attorneys in Cary Apex Holly Springs Morrisville Raleigh NC social media divorce

In May 2017, we blogged about the “Do’s and Don’t’s” in Family Law. With the pandemic forcing most of us to live a “virtual life”, we thought it was important to revisit and update what you should and should not be doing on the Internet. Emails, text messages, websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking (“social media”), or any other type of information that is created, used, and stored in digital form, and requires a computer or other device for… Read More

North Carolina’s appellate courts declare that violence is violence regardless if same-sex or opposite-sex relationship.

Domestic violence has been labeled as an “epidemic” in our country. Statistics show that one in every three women and one in four men in the United States will experience some form of domestic violence at the hands of their intimate partner. Just as domestic violence can affect heterosexual relationships, it can affect LGBTQ+ relationships as well.  North Carolina provides two avenues for individuals to seek relief from their abuser: N.C.G.S. § 50B and N.C.G.S. § 50C. The main differences between the two statutes are the relationship between the parties… Read More


Ward Family Law Group is pleased to announce that Attorney Ryan M. Tarrant has been selected for inclusion in the 2021 North Carolina Super Lawyers Rising Stars List. Super Lawyers is a rating service of outstanding lawyers from more than 70 practice areas who have attained a high-degree of peer recognition and professional achievement. The patented annual selection process includes independent research, peer nominations, and peer evaluations. No more than 2.5 percent of the State’s attorneys are named to the Rising Stars list. Ryan has been included on the North… Read More

