
Dale V. Stephenson named Legal Elite!

Ward Family Law Group is pleased to announce that Dale V. Stephenson has been selected for inclusion in Business North Carolina Magazine’s Legal Elite for 2021 in the categories of Family Law and Young Guns. For two decades, Business North Carolina asks all active members of the North Carolina Bar one simple question: Of the Tar Heel lawyers whose work you have observed firsthand, whom would you rate among the current best in selective categories?  There are fifteen categories, which range from Antitrust law to Immigration law and everything in between…. Read More

Ward Family Law Group Honored as Best Family Law Firm!

Best Family Law Firm

We are honored to be recognized by Wake Living Magazine as BEST FAMILY LAW FIRM in their 2020 Reader’s Choice Awards.  Thank you! 

How I became a fan of Virtual Mediation

Mediation is a way to resolve family law disputes where a neutral third party, the mediator, assists parties in trying to reach an agreement.  The mediator does not advocate for either party or make any decisions. The decision-making authority is left to the parties. The mediator’s job is to help parties work out their own agreements by exploring the parties’ needs and interests and by helping them formulate specific solutions to resolve the disputed issues. That is one of the most attractive reasons for mediation — the parties maintain control… Read More

What’s Happening to My Case?

Best divorce attorneys in Cary Apex Holly Springs Raleigh nc

Practically every aspect of our world has been drastically altered by the protections (and limitations) enacted to combat the spread of COVID-19. Our court system is no different. On March 13, 2020, Chief Justice Beasley of the Supreme Court of North Carolina issued an emergency order declaring the North Carolina courts “on hold” for a majority of matters. Over the course of the last few months, these directives have been extended in a number of ways.  Virtual hearings, limited in-person trials, and masks are now the new normal.  Click below… Read More

Ward Family Law Group Takes Steps to Protect Clients and Visitors During COVID

Beginning June 1, 2020, we will accommodate in-person meetings as clients and lawyers may agree, with certain limitations and cautions in place.  We will continue to utilize and encourage phone calls and Zoom videoconferencing for most communications, but we will allow in-person meetings if there is a specific need to meet with your attorney in the office, and you and your attorney agree to an in-person meeting. We will continue to practice safety methods such as social distancing, and we will conduct regular sanitizing practices before and after all meetings…. Read More

It’s Time to File that Tax Return……

Ward Family Law Group Best Divorce Attorneys in apex cary holly springs raleigh nc

The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) changed Family Law.   While there was a lot of hype over the TCJA after it was first passed in December of 2017, for most people, the real effect of the tax law changes will be felt with the filing of their 2018 tax return.  This is the first of a series of blogs on the new tax law changes affecting the family law world. Bye, Bye Alimony Deduction! The TCJA eliminates the alimony deduction. Under prior tax law, alimony payments… Read More

Protecting Your Children Before, During, and After Your Divorce

Ward Family Law Group Best Divorce Attorneys in apex cary holly springs raleigh nc

The stress and grief of a divorce ranks only second to the death of a loved one. Divorce not only affects the divorcing spouses, but it has a life-altering effect on their children. Children depend on their parents for love, support and guidance, and stability, and they can experience feelings of confusion, abandonment and anxiety when their parents separate. Estimates suggest that between 1 and 1.5 million children experience the divorce of their parents each year. Often, couples are so wrapped up with their own emotions that they fail to… Read More

Truth or Consequences: Why Honesty Is the Best Policy When Dealing with Your Lawyer

Ward Family Law Group Best Divorce Attorneys in apex cary holly springs raleigh nc

The domestic case—whether it’s custody, divorce issues, or domestic violence—is often the first time a party will consult with an attorney. It can be a time marked by confusion, anger, frustration, fear and uncertainty.  The following is an article entitled TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES:  WHY HONESTY IN THE BEST POLICY WHEN DEALING WITH YOUR LAWYER by Katie McClaflin published in the Family Advocate, a publication of the American Bar Association, Family Law Section.  At Ward Family Law Group, we often tell our clients that in order to help advance their cause… Read More

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Ward Family Law Group Domestic Violence Attorneys and Family Lawyers in Apex, Cary, Holly Springs and Morrisville (NC)

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and the statistics are sobering. • 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men aged 18 and older in the United States have been the victims of severe physical violence by an intimate partner in their lifetime. • 37.3% of women and 28.3% of men experienced intimate partner sexual violence, physical violence, and/or stalking at some point in their lives. • More than 12 million Americans are victims of domestic violence every year. • The costs of intimate partner violence in the United… Read More

Social media: The do’s and don’ts in Family Law

Divorce attorneys in Cary Apex Holly Springs Morrisville Raleigh NC social media divorce

The Pew Research Center estimates that almost 70% of American adults use some form of social media, and that roughly 75 million of them check their social networks every day. With those kinds of statistics, it is clear that social media has become a part of our daily lives, and an increasingly significant factor in divorce and custody disputes. If you post to Facebook or Instagram, or if you Tweet, blog, post to YouTube, or use any other form of social media, you need to be aware that whatever you… Read More

