
Truth or Consequences: Why Honesty Is the Best Policy When Dealing with Your Lawyer

Ward Family Law Group Best Divorce Attorneys in apex cary holly springs raleigh nc

The domestic case—whether it’s custody, divorce issues, or domestic violence—is often the first time a party will consult with an attorney. It can be a time marked by confusion, anger, frustration, fear and uncertainty.  The following is an article entitled TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES:  WHY HONESTY IN THE BEST POLICY WHEN DEALING WITH YOUR LAWYER by Katie McClaflin published in the Family Advocate, a publication of the American Bar Association, Family Law Section.  At Ward Family… Read More

New Year, new you: things to consider before separating from your spouse

Ward Family Law Group Best Divorce Attorneys in apex cary holly springs raleigh nc

It does not take a family law attorney to tell you that it is not easy to separate and ultimately divorce your spouse.  For some, making up your mind is the easiest part of the process, but for most it can be a grueling task fraught with difficult choices and emotional landmines.  The idea of beginning anew and starting a new chapter of your life can be both exciting and motivating, but what we tell… Read More

When enough is enough, what do you do next?

Ward Family Law Group Best Divorce Attorneys in apex cary holly springs raleigh nc

For many people who are considering separation and divorce the hardest decision to make is the actual decision to separate, but when you have had enough what do you do next? Years ago, separating from your spouse meant you had to hire an attorney and air your dirty laundry in a public courtroom. Most people do not like conflict, and litigation can be expensive, time-consuming, and the results unpredictable. Additionally, divorce is very personal. Litigating… Read More

