#GIVINGTUESDAY November 29, 2022

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to each of you! We are extremely blessed and grateful for your referrals, support, and friendship this past year. It’s Giving Tuesday, and we are continuing our tradition of recognizing your support of our firm by making charitable donations to three organizations that we believe make an impact in our communities. This year we are focusing our efforts on organizations that are committed to improving the lives of children.
Ward Family Law Group supports…….
Meg’s Smile Foundation
Meg Wasley was only seven years old when she was diagnosed with a terminal brain tumor. Meg’s journey was one in which no child should ever have to endure. Yet, her parents said she did so all the while keeping her grace, humor and beautiful smile. Her parents, Jim and Terri Wasley, founded Meg’s Smile Foundation in memory of their daughter, who always had a smile on her face. Meg’s Smile is a charitable organization that provides gifts and/or fun days to children affected by serious illnesses who are treated in North Carolina hospitals. Its Mission– to bring smiles to the faces of these children and their families while they are going through what can be a very long and emotional journey. Please visit this organization’s website to learn about the great work they do: Meg’s Smile.
(Also, Triangle Oktoberfest sponsored by the Cary MacGregor Rotary Club (My Rotary Club for the past 21 years!) and the Apex Sunrise Rotary Club was cancelled this year at the last minute due to Hurricane Ian. Meg’s Smile Foundation was to be the designated beneficiary and charity partner of the event’s proceeds this year. If you are able to make charitable contributions this year, please consider this organization. Thanks!)
CORRAL is a non-profit, faith-motivated, holistic program using equine therapy and education to help teenaged girls address hurt, trauma, and prevent risky behaviors. Since 2008, CORRAL has been making an impact in young women’s lives. Participants in the program may have been victims of domestic violence, experienced neglect, suffer from depression and anxiety, or have behavioral or academic issues. Almost 80% of CORRAL’s participants go on to attend college. Learn how CORRAL makes a difference by visiting CORRAL (corralriding.org)
In 1983, the North Carolina General Assembly established the Office of Guardian ad Litem (GAL) Services as a division of the North Carolina Administrative Office of the Courts. Friends of Wake exists to change the lives of abused and neglected children by supporting the work of Guardians ad Litem. Friends of Wake provides educational support for children, including tutoring, summer camp funding, backpacks and computers. They also collect hundreds of gifts for children in foster care during the holidays and provide orthodontic treatment for kids through their “A Chance to Smile” program. Learn more about Friends of Wake by visiting Friends of Wake (friendsofwakegal.org)
Thank you again for your support throughout the year.
All our best to you and your families!
Linda Ward and the lawyers and staff at Ward Family Law Group