
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to each of you! We are extremely blessed and grateful for your referrals, support and friendship this past year. For many years, Ward Family Law Group delivered Christmas cheer in the form of beautifully decorated cookies to say “thank you”. While the cookies made for a delicious treat, unless you ate twelve or more like I did, their effect on our lives was short-lived. Our goal this year is to recognize your continued support of our firm by making gifts to three organizations that we believe make an impact in our communities. You are supporting the following:
Since 1993, The Carying Place has served the needs of the working poor right here in Cary by assisting families with children who are experiencing homelessness. Families are provided short-term housing and are paired with a volunteer team of Support Partners who provide weekly guidance in managing personal finances, seeking permanent affordable housing, and maintaining employment. Learn more about how The Carying Place changes lives at www.thecaryingplace.org.
American Cancer Society. It’s likely a friend, your family member, or maybe even yourself has dealt with the “C” word. Ward Family Law Group’s donation is made in memory of Kevin, Lisa and Michelle and in memory of those close to you who you have lost. It is also made in honor of Peggy and Gino and all of those you know who continue to fight the battle. ACA does more than research; learn about their work at www.cancer.org. We are making our donation today because MasterCard is doubling all donations made to the ACA on GivingTuesday!
Healing Transitions. As family law attorneys, we have seen firsthand how substance abuse issues can destroy families. Healing Transitions changes lives. This organization offers a number of services for those struggling with addiction, including overnight shelter and non-medical detox services–24/7. They also provide long-term recovery programs and family services. All at no cost. Learn more about this local organization serving Wake County at www.healing-transitions.org. Because everyone needs a glimpse of hope to believe life can get better!
Thank you again for your support! You make a difference! Happy Holidays to each of you and best wishes for 2022!
Ward Family Law Group